We are proud to announce that at this year’s CONFERS 7th Annual Global Satellite Servicing Forum & Exhibition (GSSF&E) conference, PIAP Space President – Marcin Dobrowolski will give a presentation entitled: ‘Extending the Life Cycle of Satellites – Developing a New Docking System’. During the presentation, modern solutions for extending the life cycle of satellites will be presented, including the docking system being developed by PIAP Space specialists.
The presentation will take place on 14 November (13:30 – 14:20 -5 Eastern Time (ET)) during the session Trending Upward: An Update on ISAM Technologies and Capabilities.
Coutney Sayles of SCOUT Space Inc., Dr. Max Moeller of Jena-Optronik GmbH and Thomas A. Schervan of iBOSS will also give their presentations.
You are welcome!