We had the great pleasure of hosting representatives from Thales Alenia Space Polska – Stanislas Blanc, Philippe Preumont, Damian Korenkiewicz. During the meeting, the current projects were discussed and the directions for further cooperation were defined.
PIAP Space was represented by: Marcin Dobrowolski, Mateusz Wolski, Anna Nikodym-Bilska, Łukasz Dudek, Paweł Wójcicki, Bartosz Kryński, Grzegorz Tęczarski, Paweł Plichta.
The meeting could not take place without a visit to the laboratory where the Panel Integration Stand (PIS), designed by Thales Alenia Space Polska and built by PIAP Space as part of the ESA ATHENA SIB (Advanced Telescope for High-ENergy Astrophysics) activity, is being prepared for packaging and transport for its final acceptance sequence.
In addition, PIAP Space will provide to Thales Alenia Space Polska for the same ESA ATHENA SIB activity, adapter, crown and additional Mass Dummies for the integration and test of the ATHENA SIB structure.
More: https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/Athena_factsheet